Background : C57BL/6Smoc

Catalog : NM-KI-00039

Strain Name : C57BL/6Smoc-Igs2em1(CAG-LSL-Myc)Smoc

Gene Summary

Gene Name
  • Synonyms :

    H11, Hipp11, Iis2

  • NCBI ID :


  • MGI ID :


  • Ensembl ID :


  • Strain State :


Model Description

The c-Myc gene (also known as Myc) is abnormally expressed in many tumors and plays a critical role in the regulation of cell proliferation, growth and metabolism, gene instability, stimulation of angiogenesis, malignant transformation, cell differentiation and apoptosis. These mice harbor a loxP-flanked STOP cassette preventing transcription of a CAG promoter-driven Myc oncogene. The targeted mutation was inserted into the Hipp11(H11) locus by homologous recombination. Myc is expressed when bred to mice that express Cre recombinase.

Validation Data

Using the Crispr technology, the conditional overexpression structure of CAG promoter-loxp-STOP-loxp-Myc-polyA was inserted into the H11 locus to generate an H11-LSL-Myc mouse model. Located on mouse chromosome 11, the H11 locus is similar to Rosa26 and can be used to express a wide range of exogenous genes. The Myc gene can be highly expressed in Cre-expressing tissues after mating the H11-LSL-Myc mice with Cre mice. 

For example: After mating H11-LSL-Myc mice with Alb-cre mice, a liver cancer can be spontaneously developed at 2 months old. This mouse model can be used in the establishment of tumor models and tumor research.


Fig1. Schematic diagram of H11-LSL-Myc knockin cassette. 


Fig2  Representative in vivo bioluminescence imaging showing the growth of tumors in C57BL/6 mice inoculated with hepatocellular carcinoma tissue from H11-LSL-Myc; Rosa26-LSL-Luc-EGFP; Alb-Cre mice.

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