YouMabTM: Fully Human AntibodyTransgenic Mice Tailored to YourAntigen in 3 Months

Who We Are

GenoBioTX is a well-known contract research organization (CRO) providing genetically engineered animal models, and preclinical drug discovery services to biopharmaceutical companies and life science researchers.

Our Services

Generate KO HOM mice in just 3 months

  • Provision of at least 3 F0 homozygous mice per project within 3 months
  • Comprehensive and detailed report
  • Immediate phenotype analysis and self or high homology antigen immunization

Intergrated antibody discovery platform

  • Preparation of antigen and KO mouse
  • Animal immunization and hit generation
  • Lead Characterization
  • Cell line Development and antibody manufacture

YouMabTM fully human antibody transgenic mouse

  • Fully human antibodies produced efficiently
  • No need for humanization process
  • High affinity and specificity achieved
  • Streamlined and reliable discovery platform for high homology antigens

Antibody evaluation

  • Antibody characterization
  • Well-validated animal models
  • In vivo efficacy study
  • PK/PD test
  • Toxicity evaluation

Why choose us

  • Choose us for our unmatched expertise in animal model generation and antibody discovery, backed by years of experience in biomedical research.
  • Our state-of-the-art technology and proven track record ensure precise, reliable results, helping you accelerate your research and development.
  • With a focus on quality and efficiency, we provide customized solutions tailored to meet the unique demands of each project.

    News Center


    Why We Need Humanized Mice?

    You may have come across accumulating reports uncovering biomedical breakthroughs which all use humanized mice in vivo assays. So, you may wonder, what is a humanized mouse and why is it so commonly used in biomedical research? Humanized mouse is generally referred to as a mouse has been xenotransplanted with human cells and/or engineered to express human gene products, so as to be applied to […]


    Personal Human lmmune System Mice: Accelerating the Translation of lmmuno-therapies from Bench to Bedside

    Register Link: Date: Wednesday, Feb. 26th, 2025; 2:00 pm EST or 11:00 am PST Meet Our Speaker: Dr. Huang earned a Ph.D. in 2004 from the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at Peking University Health Science Center (2004–2006). Dr. Huang has dedicated over 15 years to groundbreaking […]

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